Is Bottled Water Safe ?

At present, millions of people are using bottled water in everyday life around the world. Bottled water is readily available everywhere, and most of the people find it a very convenient option for sure. Most of the people think that bottled water is clean and natural to use for good health. However, the reality is different from it.

There numerous issues that can occur for the environment and to your health with the use of bottled water. This blog from consumer report website reveals failing standard of even the best bottled water quality in U.S as per FDA.

7 Reasons To Never Drink Bottled Water Again

Toxic Elements in Bottled Water

bottled water

In the bottled water, there will be a health-related risk because of toxic elements. According to health experts, plastic is not suitable for the health, and there may be a risk of several times of health-related issues due to it. BPA present in bottled water is responsible for several health issues in long-term use.

Harmful For Environment:

never drink bottled water

Bottled water is not only harmful to your health but also for our environment. As you know, plastic is non-biodegradable substance, and it is very harmful to the environment in many ways.

Although the bottled water can be recycled yet, you can’t deny its adverse effects on our environment. As per report from the guardian ,

Annual consumption of plastic bottles is set to top half a trillion by 2021, far outstripping recycling efforts and jeopardizing oceans, coastlines and other environments


bottled water expensive

If you do not carry water in a bottle with you, you will probably buy one from the shop. You can save your money by avoiding the use of the packed container in the market. If you prefer it due to the high quality of water, it will be a big mistake for sure.

No health benefits

Most of the people avoid tap water because they think that it can cause illness. In the same way, they believe that packaged water is healthy and safe. It is a complete myth because there is no proven health benefit of using bottled water so you should avoid its use.

Wastage of water

never drink bottled water

Everyone knows the need of saving the water for the world. During the production of bottled water, tons of water is wasted around the world regularly. The below statistics shows consumption of bottled water worldwide.

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If you understand the importance of saving the water for the next generations, you should avoid using bottled water. You also must be wasting lots of water every day in the plastic bottles in your home.

Tap Water is Safe Alternative

tap drinking water

If you want to avail health-related benefits, you can switch to tap water instead of bottled water in everyday life. It goes through several tests before reaching your home, so they make sure that this water is entirely safe to drink.

The article from echowatch explains in detail on the various benefits of consuming tap water instead of bottled water.

Wastage of energy

During the production of water bottles, lots of resources and power are wasted that can be utilised for something good. If everyone is avoiding the use of bottled water even if its best bottled water, lots of energy and power will be saved.

Because of all these reasons, you should avoid using bottled water in everyday life. It will save your health as well as the environment in many good ways so you should understand its importance.