It’s easy to be suspicious when it comes to affirmations. However, research has repeatedly shown that affirmations increase the self-worth and positive emotions of an individual.

If we verbally confirm our ambitions and dreams, we instantly have the confidence to realize our desirable words.

What are affirmations and how it works? 

Affirmations are powerful statements that you say to yourself that help you create self-confidence and the motivation to do it.

Whatever you say, be it positive or negative, it has a powerful impact on your mind. Your brain perceives everything you say to it. It gets stored in your subconscious.

Your consciousness will be based on what your subconsciousness makes you do. So if you see positivity in yourself, you will attract it too. Affirmations also help you to reduce your stress. They will boost up your lost self–esteem.

“To succeed, you have to believe in something in such a passion that it becomes a reality.”   Anita Roddick (Entrepreneur)

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Real-life benefits of abundance affirmations

There are real benefits that you cannot afford to miss out on. Moreover, they are scientific and based on factual experiments.

You must be very clear that adapting to something new also takes time. So please don’t expect instant 2 minutes results but guaranteed they will help you in the long run.

You must be very clear that adapting to something new also takes time. So please don’t expect instant 2 minutes results but guaranteed they will help you in the long run.

  • Positive affirmations help to clear your mind of negative thoughts. You will no longer doubt yourself
  • As previously said, your mind will store new beliefs that will keep you going.
  • You will be more focused on your objectives.
  • Finally, this will enhance your self-esteem. You will also be capable of performing seemingly impossible things.
  • Your words will be translated into actions. Your actions will determine how far you advance. You will be able to inspire others as well.

“We do not need magic to transform our lives. We carry all the power we need inside ourselves already”.   JK Rowling (Author)

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abundance affirmation

Steps to Start Applying Affirmations To Change Your Life

Before you go ahead, Google some of the best positive affirmations that can solve your issue. You must be aware of your problems with yourself.

Here are the four steps that will help you in doing that :

  • STEP 1

  • sTEP 2

  • STEP 3

  • STEP 4

List Down Your Issues

So first, list down your problems and the cause of your problems.

You may write down issues like anxiety, doubting everybody, anger, impatience, or anything. This will make you self-aware.

67 Abundance Affirmations

Abundant Money Affirmations

1. I am a money attractant.

2. I can earn my dreams.

3. I am grateful for whatever I have earned

4. I and money are in a live-in relationship.

5. I love to give money a good home to stay.

6. I am generous with my money.

7. I can conquer my money goals.

8. I break all hassles that stop me from earning.

9. I deserve what I desire.

10. I am financially independent.

11. I am my self-support system.

12. Prosperity will get attracted to me.

13. I am receptive to all the wealth I deserve.

14. I stay away from poverty thinking.

15. My actions define my wealth.

16. I align with the energy of abundance.

17. Wealth constantly flows to me.

18. I deserve the money for my hard work.

19. I always discover new sources of money.

20. I wholeheartedly welcome prosperity.

Abundant Self-love Affirmations

1. I love the way I am.

2. I do not need to change to fit into other’s expectations.

3. I love my skin and skin color.

4. I deserve to respect the way I am.

5. I am brave as a tiger.

6. I am proud of myself and my accomplishments.

7. I attract positivity.

8. I am beautiful from mind and heart.

9. I always choose happiness.

10. I have come this far, and I can keep going to reach the results.

11. I am proud of myself.

12. I constantly work on myself.

13. I am doing the best way I can

14. I don’t allow other’s judgment to hamper me.

15. I am enough.

16. I am kind to myself first.

17. I have no place for self-doubt.

18. I am whole.

19. I am in control of my actions.

20. I love myself infinitely.

21. I don’t deserve ignorance.

22. I can fulfill my expectations to myself.

23. I am self capable.

24. I decide my future.

25. I learn from my past, improve my present to design my future.

26. I am the architect of my future.

Abundant Affirmations for Success

1. I do not satisfy with anything less than perfection.

2. I am worthy of fulfilling my dreams.

3. I am an open ocean of limitless possibilities.

4. I believe in myself.

5. I am as capable as anyone else in my position.

6. I learn from my mistakes.

7. I choose faith over fear.

8. I embrace positivity every morning.

9. Every day is a new day with new challenges.

10. I am unique and the best source of motivation for myself.

11. I am smart, capable, and talented.

12. I ignore negative people in my life.

13. I can shine like a sun to enlighten the world.

14. I am free of resistance of any kind.

15. I am a strong individual and unstoppable.

16. I am well organized.

17. I am a time manager of expert efficiency.

18. I am worthy of living a good life.

19. I am a creator and create joy.

20. A single failure cannot decide my future.

21. I fulfill my world.

That's it. Practice these powerful affirmations for abundance and experience the change it gives. 

Share your thoughts on abundance affirmations in comments below and how it changed your life.